Posted by: al66888 | June 29, 2007

Pray for Philadelphia

Pray that Michael Nutter is the right man for the job.

Now, I’m originally from Philly, from the Northeast, and I live in South Jersey now.  I’m not going to lie, I don’t really follow the local politics (of that or any other city) because following the national scene is enough.  However, you don’t have to follow local politics to know that the murder rate in the city of Philadelphia is out of control.  They have a lame duck mayor who was about as worthless as they come.   He’ll still be in there for all of next year until Nutter goes against the non-existant Republican candidate and beats him handidly. 

But what is the great Mayor of Philly doing today?


I kid you not.  Street has been on the street (literally, in a lawn chair)  since 3:30 am this morning waiting to get the new iphone (which goes on sale at 6PM tonight).  But have no fear Philadelphians:

“I get called around all the time. I have to be able to be anywhere. Fortunately, I can do my job wherever I am,” Street told her. “I can do my job where I am.”

Whew…I feel so much better.  I’m sure the city of Philadelphia is proud to have a Mayor like John Street running the show.  Or, at least watching the show……from his brand new iPhone.


  1. that guy is unbelievable. he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong w/the situation & tries to justify it by saying “We don’t have to be sitting in City Hall to be conducting city business” How does he get away w/this? Maybe if he put more time behind the desk he’d figure out how to actually be a mayor. he should put more energy into fighting crime & worrying about the skyrocketing murder rate rather than camp out for an iphone which will in no way help him do his job… unreal.

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